It’s fun with Facebook friends time, and as you know the new facebook has been pretty much trying to kill me and end this feature. But thanks to an Epic Event last night on TV I have some play by play of everything you need to know via my sick twisted lovely brilliant friends. This is how it started.
Photo credit to Pop on POP
and the step by step commentary began, and I must say it was sparkley, like unicorn farts
by the time you see this I am sure the WRECK dance/song thing I saw will be sadly viral. Which is an affront to all life just as much as snookie publishing a book when she can't read.
Also Randy was always a douche but Simon was a bigger douche so his douche outshined Randy’s douche so now Randy will finally have his doucheness recognized but he wont have anyone to follow since he is trully just a follower.
Steven Tyler will lead this show to any populatirity and there will be sex scandles and it will be juicy I can’t wait
Jennifer Lopez sold out and is too skinny I miss her big old butt, I hope she is able to toughin up a bit or this is going to be like Karaoke Idol.
No one knows why Megan is talking about Kujo.
Happy Thursday sexy people. If your not my Facebook friend consider this your invite. Send me a request I am easy, trust me. You can sit at my table.
* Miss Nikki at MyCyberHouseRules totally pimped me out and now I owe her boat loads of money because she has a killa pimp hand. But I told her her check was in the mail which is funny because she moved from Canada to California and MAILED everything she owns to herself, which I find HILARIOUS ! Check my awards page here and my pimping by her here.