Winter StormTrooper Warnings- Funny StUfF FrIdAy

Unless you have the king of luck that causes you to win the 350 million lottery or to live on a tropical island, you know


I didn’t win the lotto and don’t live on a tropical island but I do live far enough south that my kid has never seen snow.  Which means we own “jackets” not “coats” or “parkas” or “snow gear”.  However the news is doing NOTHING BUT covering every stupid flake that falls on this country making stupid proclamations like,  ” the entire country is blanketed in snow”  or “snowstorm across the nation”.

Thus making my kid run to the window and say, ” so we really don’t live in America do we mom, this is sort of like your tooth fairy lie?”

After I hypnotized him and made him believe up was down and this was not the droid he was looking for.  We watched the national news.  It looked like this to us.

winter storm trooper warning map, using bed intruder song

I think they are getting lazy isn't that the bed intruder song?

and of course those awesome graphics they throw up every 2 seconds basically screaming the END IS NEAR !!!   But if you actually read them, they have a real message in there.

warning, yeti sighting,  hazardous travel near the death star, send messages via r2d2

Woah ! "seems like" no I am pretty sure it is.

I went to my handy dandy weather radio to see if WE had anything to worry about. Apparently I can’t find this century on OUR weather radio.

I sure hope they bring Mt Dew and Cheesecake.

I went ahead and took my van to the gas station to fill it up just in case ( since that’s what we do for hurricanes )  and I saw this.

OH Janet. really?

My kid had to use the bathroom, because honestly there isn’t a public restroom he doesn’t want to visit which he knows damn well is one of my huge phobias.

It appears we have a Storm Trooper Warning here too?

So we got our supplies and hurried home to “hunker down” because again, that’s what we do for hurricanes.

Of course nothing happened.  Not 1 single flake.  But when the Fed Ex guy showed up he looked like this.

and he was wearing shorts.

So that’s it, I spent way too much time making these graphics, and probably only I will find them hilarious.  Blah, don’t get ate by a yeti this weekend.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.