Farting, Oil Changes and Trophies- It’s Science Baby

Hello fruits, it’s Wednesday and what I call, “Dry Hump Day”. That means we are forging through this week using our inner Viking. It also means it’s my free day. (meaning today is the only day I don’t have a specific category for, woo hoo !)

It’s been a while since I enlightened you with my made up, completely non founded, TOTALLY BRILLIANT SCIENTIFIC STUDIES.

The other day I didn’t change the channel after the princes’ educational TV show went off and I was too lazy to change the channel inadvertently forced to be subject to a national news show with a reporter who was a complete idiot in the 23-28 age bracket. Although she looked like a total slut a very professional young lady, she had the interviewing skills of boat paddle, young teen ager. Even though I was completely ignoring the show so I could twitter and facebook barely listening to this while multi tasking, the obvious lack of mastery of the English language ( which I am confident was her only language) and  over use of “uhm” and “like” as every other word, made her sound like a serious flipping idiot, she missed public speaking in daycare,, middle school, high school, at a grocery store, in a public toilet, she may have missed a class during her higher education.

The next day I was allowed off house arrest had to go to the incompetent fuster cluck competent massive medical center. I was subjected to a multitude of idiots people of all ages and noticed some things that urged me to fall to my knees and bang my head on the arm of the chair commit hari kari with a cracked spork, stab myself in the brain with cooked macaroni, do more research and subject you to it share it with you.

So I spent 30 minutes over 53 years studying this and creating you this cool graph.

public actions by age range for US citizens via ThePeachy1

click image for a larger view in a new window. Totally worth it.

Now, uhm, I will, like, leave you to, uhm, let this soak in, like, your brain like a depends on a, uhm, senior citizen which is also the same as, like, a huggies on an, uhm, infant.  Like, just saying.  Next time you’re,like, in public see if, uhm, my theory is true.

So there you have it.   I would love to hear the pertinent data you have, or your opinion. ( even though this is proven and well your opinion is just that.)



* WARNING*- if any of this offends you, I whole heartedly apologize and hope you understand I am purely just an epic asshat, check out the winter clearance sale section of the sense of humor store at www.dontbeaprickitsajokemoron.com

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.