How I spent my Winter Vacation- Moronic Monday

Woo Hoo !  I am back.  Back from my kick butt Winter Vacation.  That’s right, I asked my boss if I could have the same vacation as my kid and husband and what do ya know?  I said YES !  I have enjoyed it but worry that one of 2 things could have happened.  1- I got so rusty I forgot how to post or 2- I will come at it with an entirely new angle and just blow the bloggiverse out of the water ! ( or fizzle out like a wet pop bottle rocket).

I didn’t make anyone suffer with extensive Christmas Posts or a 2010 wrap up or even a New Years Resolution prophetic post.  In stead I enjoyed 3 separate yet sometimes over lapping waves of guests.  T’was simply amazing.   But it’s Monday, so you know I gotta throw you a Moronic Monday story from the Holidays.

I am sorry for all of you who had to wake up to that wretched beast of an alarm clock for the first time in not nearly enough days.  I am sorry for anyone who stepped into their work clothes for the first time in days and found out they had shrunken and now you have to safety pin the button on your shirt for work today.  So in good old 3rd grade fashion here is a story of how I spent my Winter Vacation like a Moron  and epic asshat via interpretive song and dance.

Here’s the story of a chick named Peachy

Interpretive Dance via the peachy1

I loved having company and spending 14 days in my pj's

Who was living in the middle of the woods.

diagram of my house in the middle of the woods in no where ville usa

far from civilization in her pj loving world

All of them her acres were all grass

pie chart of grass to concrete ratio in my yard

except for maybe 1 square foot of concrete stone

So this one day this Peachy wanted PoBoys

the buns are made of gold

But The Peachy would not get out of her pajamas

So she went to the store in her PJ's and made the kids go in and purchase lunch

She was happy and excited as she headed from the car back to her house.

Do not confuse this with break dancing, it is Break Falling

She had found the only piece of concrete and she crumbled and fell into a bunch.

(This part doesn’t fit in the song but must be sung in 1 breath )

Though her friend was on her couch and her husband in the house, they left ThePeachy dying  on the ground, just 2 feet from the door, if it wasn’t for the 3 kids all under 9 that saved her, she would be buzzard food, instead of just sore and bruised.

and also the po boys were not injured and everyone ate theirs without any remorse of ThePeachy1’s injuries and near death concrete break falling experience.

also from my knee to my hip I look like Violet Beauregarde still.

now if you can just fathom a mashup of Brady Bunch and I’m too sexy for this bruise, then you can join me in my Moronic Monday.



* Many Thanks to The Munchkin, The Prince, and the Nearly My kid for rescuing me, my phone, my glasses, my purse, my sock, and of course, The PO BOYS !

No pride was injured during the making of this post since I lost that years ago during childbirth.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.