Hello juicy fruits. I have to tell you as this year ends I can’t help but appreciate all the wonderful people I have met or grown closer to. Facebook Friends, Followers, Tweeps and Bloggers I must read or the earth will stop turning. It all started when I made a card for #Eve and then she reciprocated with this.
I have been working on very personalized cards for each of the bloggers I adore. There are so many, that I am using both sites today to post them. Each image will contain the URL to the blogger it was sent to. Most of you know each other, some don’t, and non bloggers, please know I love you too, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you guys, pushing me along. Check everybody out, follow them, you should adore them. I made a list and checked it twice and this Santa stuff is like math or something. Since I am a loser here is a generic card for everyone I missed.
Now on with the show ( if you don’t find your card here or you want to see the rest please click here to be sent to ThePits for the rest)
- JC Little the Animated Woman of Little Animation
It has been an honor getting to know each of you and reading along. Athletes get paid millions to entertain us, Actors too, so isn’t it awfully nice of the blogging community to take anyone that would like on a personal journey of entertainment at no cost to the readers? I thought so to. ***If you don’t find your card here or you want to see the rest please click here to be sent to ThePits for the rest***