WTH Wednesday -My Holiday Song to you.

Christmas garlandCome they told me, Barumbabumbum, to the party Barumbabumbum, we will have food for you Barumbabum,  the finest liquor for you Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum.

So I got dresssed up Barumbabumbum, we parked a van near their trucks Barumbabumbum, we smiled and hugged everyone Barumbabumbum, the food was good Lloyd ate 3 plates Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum

Then I had a drink Barumbabumbum, Then I had a drink Barumbabumbum,  Then I had 5 more Barumbabumbum, next thing I knew I was on the floor Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum.

We haven’t opened the gifts they cried Barumbabumbum, I said I didn’t get you any so it’s fine Barumbabumbum  they screamed and cursed at me Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum

Lloyd drove me home Barumbabumbum, he had to stop 2 times Barumbabumbum, the cheap liquor left me Barumbabumbum,  when I passed out I had this dream Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum.

I was dating Optimus Prime Barumbabumbum, I asked him if he could be more Barumbabumbum,  like a washer with a non rusty front door, Barumbabumbum,  he got all screamy saying why you want to change me Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum

I was like because you are a transormer Barumbabumbum, do you ever have wierd dreams like this Barumbabumbum,  it could have been the dip Barumbabumbum, I am too old for this shit, Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum

when we got home I woke up fast, Barumbabumbum,  I promtply stumbled over  our stinking cat Barumbabumbum,   I fell into the tree lost my hat bruised my knee Barumbabumbum, I smashed a present but it was just a sweater, it will survive Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum

My family’s pissed at me Barumbabumbum,  but that’s the norm you see Barumbabumbum, I have to stop right now Barumbabumbum,  my head is pounding OOOW !  Barumbabumbum, Barumbabumbum, Barumbabumbum

christmas drunk chick passed out

yeah like me but with more class

and now.  My Favorite Christmas Carol for 2010. It’s worth the 4 minutes because around 3:10 it gets insane !

yep, that pretty much sums up this year.

Happy, Merry, whatever this season means to you, TO You from me.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.