Funny Stuff Friday- HO

Well it’s upon us people.



I don’t take it as serious as I did when the oldest kids were little.  I am not nearly as June Cleaver, anal retentive, YOU BETTER SMILE WHEN YOU TAKE THIS PICTURE OR I WILL KILL YOU, type of Mom I was a couple decades ago.  ( shut up yes I am that old and still parenting the 9 year old Prince)

Now it’s like, uhm yeah tree?  sure uh, don’t your friends ( all 9 and under) want to come over and drag crap all over because nothing says Christmas like some tacky decorating and honestly 9 year old boys and 7 year old girls have the  market cornered on decorating in this genre.

Plus now my house really does look like a special edition of Hoarders at the North Pole.

Oh I made these yesterday-

They are reindeer cupcakes people.

and here’s the recipe-

Put on clothes, find car keys, go to store.

Ask ladies who bake stuff to give you a few dozen cupcakes with just brown chocolate frosting.

Go put Nilla wafers, m&ms, frosting and pretzels in your cart.

Check out and get that impusle Diet Mt Dew for the drive home.

Get home remove stores sticker from the cupcake holder.

Make your kid sort out m&m’s and break pretzles.

Place a nilla wafer on the cupcake, place a red or brown m&m in the middle

Then shove broken pretzels in for antlers and MATCHING colored m&m’s for eyes.

Then tell your kid to wash his hands and finish them up because you have to answer some emails.

Then when he’s done go look and take pictures.

** also he made a 3 eyed reindeer and a cyclopes reindeer and a zombie reindeer with antlers hanging out of it’s mouth from another reindeer.  But the Reindeer Right Protection league wont let us post those pics and somehow deleted them off my camera before I could even save them. The RRPL is apparently linked with the mob cause they are bad ass, or they could be aliens, not sure.

So here’s some funnies to get you through the weekend.

This first one is for my #sybil/#eve

Holly at MidWesternMamaH

shh... It's JD's wish too, he told Brendan and then he told me.

Timmy is currently being groomed to enter Politics.

and finally what would do with out FANTASTICAL MARKETING

I always wanted to get that for Grandpa but wasn't sure if it was PC or not, thanks Walgreens you rock.

Have an awesome weekend you remarkable band of brillant people, take with you a smile and remember,   I love ya.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.