Tuesday 4 Trevor part deux

If you remember last Tuesday I did a post called Tuesday for Trevor where I broke the news there was a 13 year old boy in a hospital having serious open heart surgery. I put up the paypal button the family created, I put up the mailing address for cards, autographs, pics or gifts, and I put up a Mr Linky so anyone doing a post could link into the ring.

Over the next couple of days, Holly at MidWesternMamaH dedicated several posts and created a badge with code. Then Trevors cousin Heather created a Facebook event page “Blue Out for Trevor” as I am typing this we are around 725 RSVP’d. No cost, just click attending and if you can, wear blue or change your profile pic to blue. Blue is his favorite color.

JC from TheAnimatedWoman did a post for Trevor. Tons of people put up his badge, like Miley from Musings of a Confused Woman, Leslie from Crooked Stamper and The Bloggess. The comments left by the readers of these blogs were absolutely touching.

I personally changed over 55 facebook photos to blue. I actually watched my Facebook profile become flooded with blue for Trevor. Then groups like gamers got in on it, the entire groups would change their pics. When I clicked on my main wall I nearly fainted, 82 of my friends had changed their profile pics, all blue. My facebook wall with 1290 friends that scrolls by like a stock market ticker was solid blue.

I put together a video for Trevor hoping he might see it before his surgery in the morning. It includes as many of the people that showed support that I could squeeze in.

If you can spare a moment today please send good vibes to Trevor and his family.
Also I am so proud of what social media has done in just a couple days. I love you all.   Below is a Mr Linky if you want to link up and a paypal button just in case you want to get rid of the change in the couch.


All bloggers doing a post, or placing one of Trevors cool badges on their site ( you can see them on my right ad space)  please go ahead and log in on Mr Linky !

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ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.