Funny Stuff Friday-Slip Sliding away.

Wow it’s here, and although I wait for it with antica antica antica—-pation every week, I have had a couple run in’s with a Monday disguised on the calendar as a Friday.  Nothing pisses me off worse.  So dearest Friday be good to me honey, or I will shank you and hook up with Saturday.

I have very important news last night I was yet again attacked. No it was not by a Star Fleet Captain in a Speedo or by Robin Williams Man junk,  this as an actual attack.  The suspect is my spa tub, and it’s a damn good thing I wasn’t eating shredded mini wheats when it happened.  I will tell you all about it on Monday but for now it’s just known as the great Elephant Poop Comforter  incident of 2010.

But today I awoke to receive a package.  A product for me to review.

When this happens I always have 1 of 2 reactions.   1- “WOO HOO  Lucky me, heck yeaz !!   Woot Woot.” or   2- “Great, like I am ever going to try this let alone freaking write a review. ”

But not today folks.   I got this

55 gallon drum of Personal lubricant Donkey Slider

wow. just wow.

This can only mean 1 of 3 things.  1- My husband is sending companies my info and out of pity for him, they are sending me ruffies and lube?  or 2- They know I will totally use this stuff on squeaky door hinges.


3- It’s flinging oatmeal on a wall again.  This one, might actually get a review, because it’s personal lube, so that means I can use it how I want, personally.  Like whip it out in the grocery store when I get that wheel that is squeaky.  The stadium seat at homecoming, just whip that out and apply it to those hinges and KABAM,  donkey slider to the  rescue, a nice breeze could now open that stadium seat. Walking into jewelry stores trying on obscenely expensive rings 2 sizes too small just so I can whip this stuff out and say, “don’t worry about I have MY personal lube.”

So yeah people I will be lubing up all kinds of stuff this weekend. Because I now have my own personal 55 gallon drum size non descriptive labeled  DONKEY SLIDER lube.


Have a great weekend my friends.  Life’s short, live it, love it, lube it.



*Delusion Disclaimer-  I did actually receive a sample product in the mail that was indeed a personal lube, it is not a 55 gallon drum nor is it named Donkey Slider.  No I wasn’t paid for this, because clearly if I were paid for it, I would have used the real name, done a real journalist review and it wouldn’t be on this blog it would be totally somewhere else.*

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.