Tell it Tuesday- My Non Advice

Tell it Tuesday My NON advice column on BeingPeachy

Like Lucy from Peanuts but I don't charge a nickel.

Every week on Tuesday I pick  3 questions from my email and give what could only be considered as “non” advice.  I have no expertise  other than consistently holding the majority of the first page in google rankings for “epic asshattedness”.   ( yes I am proud).   I am constantly amazed, baffled and dumbfounded that  people are sending me questions, especially the flood of parenting questions I get when if you read my blog you will find out my parenting mantra is , “it’s never too early to make your kids start hating you”.  This provides motivation to go to college or get a job and move out.

Here’s the thing.  I get hit on all 3 of my facebooks, through chat and email,  DM’s on twitter with some of the oddest questions. Like, ” is there a way to cook okra so it’s not slimey?”  uhm  WTF yall…  Yet I never turn anyone down. Instead I hope they just consider the source, I try hard to respond in a timely manner when I am not being attacked by zombie spiders and alien ants.   So today as I was going through the questions  it was suggested to me to use something that had taken place a week or so ago.    So since I had already answered this,  it works for me, less work, less thinking and I changed the names to protect the innocent.  ( if there are any).

tell it tuesday my non advice column help with banging the land lord

offended feminist send complaints to my staff ( cat)

banging the land lord, advice, non advice, thepeachy1, being peachy epic asshattedness

please your honor think of the children !!!

And there ya have it.  Always thinking long term.  like  5-10 years  but doing 2.5 for  good behavior.  You know, it’s the details that matter.

see you next week for more non advice.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.