Fun with FaceBook Friends Thursday – SciFi

Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends.

The last 2 weeks, the posts I pulled each had over 100 comments. One was about me taking a shower, and one was about my cat suing me.

Then I got a shit ton of emails insinuating that I scripted my facebook.   I am so insulted. If you read my blog or are a face book friend you know I am truly way too lazy and stupid to do something that brilliant.  Really?  I have never met 2/3rds of my face book friends and 99% of them have never met each other.  Plus scripting?  Shut up.  That’s absurd { end scene, we need makeup in here stat and we will need to re-shoot this, come on people try this scene again with more angst }

So here’s a nice shorty but very important one for you.  Since the thread is so short I will do interpretive dance through crappy graphics for your viewing pleasure, you are welcome.

Last night I was

Star Trek the next Generation on Tv

There is always the history channel, PBS or scifi on here 24/7

It’s always on, and usually no one is watching it and then I accidentally looked up, and just like when the Titanic hit the iceberg I knew my life would never be the same.

status message on facebook about seeing captain picard on tv in a speedo

this left me feeling dirty and not in a good way

This made my my melt and not in a Vulcan way.

My brain is still soaking in a bucket in bleach.

So yeah my geek is probably showing a tad and that’s fine. I claim no expertise other than the google ranking of “epic asshattedness”..  I married a guy named Kirk, I have a friend named Borg, and Picard, and another friend married a guy who has the same name as the actor who played Chewbaka in Star Wars.. I like Sci Fi, it’s not like I really actually get dressed up in those outfits and go to the TrekkieCons.

I do not like Captain Jean Luc Picard in a speedo. Nor do I want to see any type of ” romantic” scene with  the “Shat” as Captain James T. Kirk.   So this got me thinking about the newest Star Trek Captain. Yes  I know his name is James T. Kirk also but this is a different timeline/story and he’s clearly not the Shat.

Even though he's a total snuff muffin, I still don't want to see his speedo.

Although slightly less barf worthy than seeing Jean Luc and his non stuffed speedo scene I still don’t want my StarFleet Captains having their communicators hanging out on TV.   So I think the only option is a Viking Funeral where all copies of any scene similar to these are shot by trebuchet onto the flaming boat a drift at night..

I see this as the only solution.

In the interest of fake journalism I did NOT try to contact Picard for a comment. His reps did not send me this.

yes Jean Luc I feel your shame..

so even though it was a short Face Book thread this week. I hope I conveyed to everyone through interpretive dance the importance of not wearing a speedo EVER. Even if you are a Star Fleet Captain.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.