This week in Peachyland

I just made homemade doughnuts so excuse the powdered sugar all over my keyboard.

Things that didn’t happen on this blog, but I did-

Oh yeah I also joined network blogs, why I didn’t do that when I started I am just not sure, but click over there on the right to follow on Networked blogs so I don’t look like the stinky kid.

I also started opened an account at blogger so I now have a blog over there too  I didn’t do it because I didn’t have enough room here,  I did it because people using Blogspot kept asking for help and since I had never seen it I thought I should go ahead and at least look at it so I could help them.

Then here’s the stuff I did here this week.

On Moronic Monday we discussed how I furthered the stereo types of Americans when I got in trouble in Canada.  I almost lost the kids, and probably my freedom.  However a cop felt pity disgust for me and let me go.

For Tell it Tuesday the Non Advice Column I found out you could sell your soul or organs to make ends meet.   Got an email from what I can only assume what a kid that distracted me so much I couldn’t even answer the stupid question.  A mom wrote in about having “the talk” with her daughter.  I am so glad I don’t have to give out real advice cause I kind of suck at it.

Wednesday I let you all in on the most top secret of all secrets.  That Justank Beaver kid is a product of the Osmonds.  I provide DNA photographic evidence.

Fun with FaceBook Friends Thursday–  107 comments on a  freaky status that starts out with a typo but involves a cat suing me.  Yeah.. but I think there is a love connection and possibly a restraining order involved.  Also even better. None of the people in this thread know each other in real life. So imaging what stars had to align for this level of genius to pour out and hook up.

Funny Stuff Friday- Probably the closest I will come to Mommy blogging. I give you honest to goodness really useful back to school trips.

Saturday- well I took place in a scientific study, and shared my journal and pie charts with you.  It concluded, I am not a weeble and I smashed my head into the floor and a door.  I am that cool.

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ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.