Facebook Friends

Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends.

Last week the simple status -” I just took a shower”  had 94 hilarious comments.    My facebook friends are remarkable, twisted, sly, smart, and I think they all have a zombie apocalypse action plan.  Last week after a series of horrible comments on other peoples blogs, and jumbled tweets. I did what anyone once would do.  I looked for a patsy  to blame it on.  So I wrote a blog post about how it was my cat’s fault.   Next thing you know the heated match debate involving a fictional I hope restraining order on me making, info session would begin including lawyers.

One important fact to consider is that NONE of these people have EVER actually met one another.

I-AM-TYPO-QUEEN !! ( sing to Iron Man tune)

Sometimes even I get lost in my own status message.

this got ugly fast, my cat lawyered up.

How do my friends know this info? Never mind.

You keep friends like this close. Really close

I have never been called Habitual but it sounds kind of hot. updating resume

last comment, typo from the lawyer, woo hoo. about time

who needs E-Harmony anyway.

and BAM it took a hella set up but I met my quote of slams.

Baby names? Cool to know Rachels read to jump on Brad, I mean board

Shane. much like the statistician at High School basketball. I thank you.

I like to think my universe is wavy like BonJovi's slipper when wet album cover

and then {crickets} because all my friends are brilliant and Mensa material they  steer clear of any Parallel Universe comment.   It’s part of the vow of discloser/ gag order we have. Don’t want to scare the little people.

I have to tell you guys, you almost got a shorter post, but not from my wall.  From my local news.  I spend days lamenting that I breath the same air the people who comment.

So that’s it’s, head out and onward.  Remember if your facebook friends are not this cool then you will probably need to friend some of them.  But block your grandma and creepy Uncles, because I hear that’s a real drag.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.