Pancakes and Envy

I woke up this morning and needed to cleanse my soul.

See here’s the problem.  I am not at blogher.  No big deal right. I am not a huge fan of 2500 screaming people unless they are throwing money and cheesecake at me anyway.  But at blogher you get swag. From what I hear  BOATLOADS of awesome swag.

As you know, my cell phone is even though only 1 year old was murdered a couple months ago in a tragic accident when I was helping a friend out. It  is held together with scotch tape and wears a tin foil hat for hopes of signal. Oddly enough that is the same time  when my precious laptop was assaulted and now lives a lesser quality of life as no longer a laptop but more of a,  ” crap I am wired to an external monitor, thus making me not a laptop anymore”.  I thought the Karma gods would be good to me and help me out, since I was helping someone when it happened.  But since then the Xbox died and so did my husbands car. I think the message is pretty clear.

The point here people is the I NEED  SAWAAAAAAG!.. Like I need air, like I need cheesecake, like I need vodka, ok wait I went too far there.  But you get the point right?

So last night I did twitter parties traded my soul for magic beans and contests and acted like a product hashtag whore blahdy blah blah and guess what?

I did not win. Surprise !   NOT.  And here is why.

It’s because I have a better chance of actually solving Calculus problems with a sober Lindsey Lohan while simultaneously playing Chess with a sober and sane Brittany Spears,  while Mel Gibson cleans my house and thanks me for being an under appreciated woman. And getting struck by lightening in a cave.

Yeah my luck is that sweet. I am missing the chromosome that allows you to be lucky.  Not joking here people .. I speak the truth, hand to cheesecake.  I wont bore you with a list of examples. You can read my Moronic Monday stories if you want that kind of dirt.

So I woke up this morning feeling dirty. Dirty like when you get so smashed at a bar that the last thing you remember is possibly kissing some un known guy and then when you wake up you realize you can’t find your panties but you totally blacked out and don’t know if anything happened so you call your friends and try to play it off like, ” wow last night was all fun and stuff WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?”  dirty.  Yep.

So I atoned for my sins.

I made my kid pancakes.  Not just any pancakes, but sorry your mommy sold her soul really cool pancakes.

For inspiration I went and looked at Jim’s Pancakes.  You know the KICK BUTT Ninja Dad that makes his daughter edible art. You can see his stuff by clicking here.  I saw ferris wheels, glasses,  bling, penguins, and bridges with water and stuff.   I was inspired.

I ran to my kitchen and cleansed my soul by making these.

yes The Prince is a boy, but this was for my soul. Plus I can't make a ferris wheel.

I can not guarantee this won’t happen again.  because I’m a swag/product hussie .  But for now I feel much better and my kid thinks I rock.  ( I will save Jim’s site in case I need more soul cleansing.)

I hope you all have a an amazing weekend and if you need to cleanse your soul there are 3 surefire cures:  make pancakes,  shop or send me gifts. I hear all those things are effective especially the last one.


DISCLAIMER -a large number of pancakes were harmed during the making of this post they were maimed cut up dunked in syrup and chewed to bits.  we liked it, it was good. All pancakes in this post were made by me and eaten by my family, who thinks I am awesome.
ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.