So this rounds out probably the most awesome weekend of my life that didn’t involve actual travel.
On Moronic Monday I dug deep into my past to tell you a story of how my High School days collided with Drug Dogs and our Breakfast Club school came together to overcome.
On Tell it Tuesday – my non advice column, I covered dealing with friends, real scorpion fearing friends, how to handle facebook issues and not get your electronics equipment seized by the FBI, and lastly why your daughter should date a Unicorn instead of a Vampire.
On Wednesday I had this epiphany and decided I should tell everyone about my Birthday coming up and hold a contest. A kick ass contest. A tropical island birthday give away contest. Yeah I know. Cool.
On Thursday – It always is, Fun with Facebook Friends. They didn’t fail me. It all started with a Poem sent to me by my husband. They took it from there, as always.
FRIDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY- and it was the most awesome birthday ever. Also you see all the entries for the Birthday contest which was FREAKING AMAZING !!
Saturday aka the Aftermath – The CONTEST winners are announced and a sweet birthday video that was sent in late is posted. I bow to all of your awesomeness.
An amazing week people and I thank you all. See you tomorrow.