Tell it Tuesday- the late edition

Please be advised that I have NO expertise ( despite what the massive spam on my site that I block says).   Except I remain in the top listing in google for the search term ” epic asshattedness”   (Not making this up the link to the screenshot is right here. ) So if you send in your question, which your totally welcome to do, to beingpeachy@gmail.com, PULEEZE for the love of Christ on a Bike know that your advice is coming from someone who is known for “epic asshattedness”.

Dear Peachy Dear Peachy

You won’t believe this
My wife makes me clean up whenever I miss
She tells me to lift the seat and adjust my aim
I’ tell her it’s that 6 pack of Coors that I blame

Puddle Maker

Dear Puddle Maker-  I am not sure why you used my name twice in the intro, unless you are trying some super creepy hypnotism thing to make me say something nice, if so it’s not working.  Coors light? Eww.   Ok first yes you have to lift the seat prior to using the potty, flush and then put it down. Your aim should be that of a sniper from 150 ft.  If your having aim issues I suggest doing what I did for my sons.  Place  cherrios or fruit loops in the potty and make it a game see if you can sink the suckers with your powerful man stream.  After a while you will find your aim getting better and you will enjoy the harmony in your household.  As a side note, if you clean the toilet and around it 1 time a week without being asked and without making a big deal out of it, you may get lucky.  Let me know how this turns out.  Love, ThePeachy1

If you want to get fancy you can by these potty targets on line. Google it.


Dear Peachy One,

My 14 year old daughter chews her fingernails to the quick and I have also caught her chewing her toenails.   Even getting her a manicure and pedicure does not work.  I guess it’s not harmful but it’s disgusting, how can I reason with a teenager?

Chewed to the bone

Dear Chewed to the Bone-  FRIGGIN EWWWWWW!  First of all that’s just gross, chewing your finger nails is bad enough but seriously?  Her feet?  She’s 14 and your just now worried about it.   Ok it is not only gross but it does pose a health risk.  Can you saw WORMS?  Yes she can get worms from that.  Also any other plethora of diseases and bacteria.  Google diseases from chewing nails click images and then make her look.   A psychologist would tell you to find out why she is doing it and try to help relieve the cause.  But honestly if your biggest problem with your 14 yr old daughter is that she chews her nails, your pretty damn lucky.   At least  make her carry around and use hand sanitizer and use it constantly.  That stuff tastes awful. Maybe buy her a lot of gum. Yes I hate seeing/hearing kids chomping on gum like cows, but in this case it would be a step up. Good Luck, Love Peachy

Yes gum is a bad habit, but really, pick your battles 1 step at a time.


Dear Peachy

You’ll never guess what ?
But I have a problem
keeping my big trap shut
My wife asked if she looked fat in her dress
I told her the truth and now my life is a mess
Couch Sleeper

Dear Couch Sleeper,  It’s hard for me to believe this story/question.  There mere fact you can see out of your eyes and have use of your hands indicate that you may be lying.   So clearly you have the ability to say things that may not be 100% true when you need to.  Also this always worked great for me in my marriage.  DO NOT ASK if you don’t want to hear it.  When a woman asks if she looks fat in something it’s generally to see if you will compliment her.  ALWAYS COMPLIMENT HER.   However if she’s 220 and in skin tight leggins or a bikini you might want to do something clever like this.  ” Hey honey you know what, you haven’t treated yourself to something new in ages lets go shopping”   Yes it will cost you, but so will the hotel and the divorce.  So send her off spending and if you tag along you can help pick out something you would like to see her in.  If you or your budget is not up for a shopping trip, I suggest the tried and true solution of having friends who are fatter to make you feel skinny.  Best wishes, The Peachy1

do not forget everything is relative.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.