I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday weekend. A lot of people are still off today thus making it sort of not so bad of a Monday if there is such a thing. But my boss told me I had to work today which really pissed me off when all the banks and post offices and federal buildings are closed. Seriously? My Boss is such a craptard. I want to be out doing something fun with the Prince and the Droid, not sitting here writing another post, I mean I absolutely love writing and having you guys over and stuff but really this job is becoming questionable. My boss makes me work long hours, the pay and benefits package kind of sucks. I think I am going to just tell my boss to shove it and I will be in Tuesday like most of the rest of the world.
Oh wait I am my own boss. Damn. I am a Moron. Happy Monday yall.
I’m so out of here… but I love you so much I will give you this guy being a Moron.