Sunday Recap

This week has just been all kinds of funky.  But you guy hung in there, and I have some new faces dropping by.  ( love all of you so much I would share my twizzlers).

Let’s get on with the recap huh?

On Moronic Monday I shared with you the lesson learned of the facebook time space continuum, and how to  impress your friends and family by flooding your house. ( winner of the highest visited posted this week) ( I am also still ranked  #3 for “epic asshattedness” on google.  And yes I am proud of that !)

On Tell it Tuesday my NON advice column followed thru with crappy advice on everything from bad neighbors, fake pound cake, bulk beano and Old Navy  Gas Masks. Please folks don’t forget to send your questions ( no matter how odd) to

Wednesday I covered stabby math, singing teachers, tipping and customer service.

My Thursday TAIT (  Think about itl Thursday)  as per my decree features my facebook friends and their massive awesomeness.  As I always say if your facebook doesn’t look like this, then your doing it wrong. I covered zombie spiders and attacking ants.

Funny Stuff Friday sent several people off to google nekkid boobies painted like frogs,  but even more important you can watch a flipping amazing parody video of Lady Gaga’s song “accident prone” which is fitting since the clumsy freak fell down of her ugly camel toe 58 inch heels at the airport  and that seems to be news worthy.

And Saturday I kinda phoned it in pulling the post about the day Brendan Fraser met with me and wanted me badly. I dug it out of the archives and it will be source of my inappropriate dreams tonight.  Don’t hate me just because famous hottie guys fall all over me, especially since it’s my perception on reality .

I am really excited because I did my first real life interview of someone who has been interviewed by famous people it’s Adam P. Knave of I don’t think this will be in his top 20 journalist interviews but you guys know I am not an professional. You can find it here.

I also got a request to guest post at MidWesternMamah  for Holly, and that’s pressure people because she has a great site. I have a few days but need some topic discussions. send them in, be my muse, the pay is nothing but the rewards are endless. I have like until Thursday to do this.  OMG panic-help.

In other top secret related news, I have 2 really big projects coming up and I could just faint and really want to tell you about them but have been sworn to secrecy with the threat of a tittie twister and uhm I hate those so YOU GET NOTHING.

Oh yeah, it’s my bloggoversary it’s 9 weeks old right now.. cool huh? I thought so … Thanks for coming around.  Tolerating my spelling and grammatic errors and crappy graphics..  I love you. Yes you, your full of awesome.


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.