yummy butts

Brendan Fraser and me

For your Saturday viewing please I pulled this out of the archives for you.

Ok so today I was out with a friend minding our own business, and then BAM. In walks Brendan Fraser. So  he walks up to me and says, ” What’s up with you?”, and I said, “What’s up with you?”  and he said .. Oh wait wrong movie.  Oh yeah and it wasn’t Brendan.  Cause if it was actually Brendan I would totally be either a) in a jail cell for some unmentionable crime that wouldn’t ever allow me to walk the streets without a cool ankle alarm again, or b) in a Nut Hut locked up drooling on my self while I drew little hearts with his initials and mine in it on the walls with the crayon they would let me have..

But what did happen, is I was sitting there, and I looked up from whatever I was pretending to do and BAM  there was this dude with his back to me. And BAM, there was this butt, now to clarify it wasn’t in my face cause that would be all “eww”.  It was across the room, but it was absolutely noteworthy across the room.  It was such a smokin hott booty that my asbestos panties nearly exploded from my body.    What’s weird is at that exact moment I was in 10th grade again. I immediately started poking and slapping my friendly with my mouth hanging open and pointing and making grunting noises while drooling…  I was told to ” get a grip”.  Uhm is that a clearance from you on this cause I will totally go over there and get a grip?  NO get a grip on yourself, act right or your going to hell.   Dang…  Hell is really hot.. Ok I will act right, can I drool over him quietly?  Yes.   I needed a teething ring and bib, or an impromptu wet T-shirt contest cause I was drooling up a storm.   It was brought to my attention that he worked with a boat load of  skinny hotties in their early 20’s. I pointed out he might like a change. I got a dirty look.   Needless to say.  Then Bam he spoke, and he was witty,  oh the agony, that made him hotter.   Then I left.  In the car many more even further inappropriate things were said about my Dear Brendan.  Tonight I am sure he will take me to a place like this picture with a waterfall and we will be all “what’s up with you”.

Brendan Fraser and me

Thats me on the left and my man on the right ...

He loves me…


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.