Think about it Thursday

Well thank you all for the support of my feature ( am too ashamed to call it an advice column).  That’s on Tuesdays, so make sure to send me questions at beingpeachy@gmail.com .  It’s kind of like getting advice from the  magic 8 ball or Lucy from Peanuts expect mine is free and please don’t shake me.  I also have to send mad props out to all my readers, friends and flies caught in my spider web for their participation in my blog, guest writers, blog comments and facebook comments I really love you dudes.

So today is Tell it Thursday.  This is where I feature my Facebook account because seriously people.   If you aren’t using your Facebook like my friends do then your doing it wrong.  The enlighten me, teach me lessons but best of all they make me laugh daily.  After FB threads like the one where Ed revealed his 2 awesome glands and Traci turning the stink eye into Cornholio this tradition had to be born, and what better place then on my blog.

So what happens when you have all these Facebook friends and you post 5 little words?   24 comments of laughter..

With out any further delay.. I bring you my facebook status from Monday.

Jen knows every lyric to every song. Amazazing...

my magic 8 ball says there may be some blocking in your future.

last night even my husband spelled my name wrong?

So let’s find the morals in this story.  1- Jen knows every song every recorded. 2- Briggs Dr punked him by pretending to give him antibotics which were really Shrooms.  3- some young guy had ME confused with a girl his age, an easy stupid girl his age.  4- I was responsible for sticking a song in someones head all day.  5- My husbands niece doesn’t know us, or else she would realize I am the dance 1/2 nekkie freak not her Uncle. And 6- people on high doses of meds or alcohol or both should not be allowed on FB or twitter.  ( I know this from personal experience and Matt just proved it.) oh yeah you probably picked up on 7-  I am a possessive freak who will stab someone for my husband the droid, especially when I am feeling all stabby..

Tomorrow is FREAKIN FRIDAY people that means we survived another week, which may or may not have had at least 3 mondays in it.


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.