My Milkshake

WTFF ( there is a flying in there folks ) is a MEME??????????

Yes people in yet another display of how uncool I am I was asked to participate in a MEME and had to friggin ask what that was.  They explained with crayons and an abicus and after nap time we worked in some macaroni art.  I am still probably doing it wrong.  So sorry.  But my lovely friend and music  aficionado ( I had to look up how to spell that) Ri from Music Savvy Mom sent out a MEME thingyma jig this morning.  So yeah it has taken me all day to figure out how to do this since I don’t have an ipod or know what a MEME is. Stop laughing people damnit I live in Mississippi your lucky I can somewhat type without having a playschool picture keyboard.   Ok so here is the MEME and your totally personally invited by me to participate in the MEME…

( oh yeah you can totally click on the song title it will open in a new window and you will see the video… your welcome)


1. Copy and paste the list below into a new post on your blog. (Or, if you HAVE no blog or website to link to…then click HERE to go to the MSM Forum and play along with us there!
2. Put your iPod, iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
3. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS.(Well, type it.  And remember to replace my answers with yours.)

***Now…in the interest of full disclosure, I’ll tell you that I had two computers with two iTunes shuffling, because I have different music on each.  So, I picked the more fun song of the two each time.  Because I’m a big cheater.  But, hopefully an entertaining cheater.  )


1.  Your child(ren) ask for the same toy 76 times during a single trip to Target.  You say:
“Take me away” – Avril Lavinge

2.  First PTA meeting of the year.  As you meet other parents, how do you describe yourself?
“The Wall” – Pink Floyd ( duh)

3.  Most desirable quality in a Nanny/Babysitter?

“Hero” Mariah Carey

4.  You’ve been up all night with your infant.  You still have to function today…perhaps even dress and go out!  How do you feel about this?
“Bitch is Back” – Elton John

5.  Aside from being an awesome parent…what is your life’s purpose?

“Love in an Elevator” Aerosmith

6.  Let’s say you had to have a “Family Motto”.  What’s yours?
“You May be right”  – Billy Joel

7.  Ahhhh, Wisteria Lane!  What do your neighbors REALLY think of you?
” 5-1 ” – The Doors

8.  How do your parents think you’re doing with this parenting gig…as compared to how THEY did with you?

“Isn’t it a pity” – George Harrison ( from the Beatles YO ! )

9.  Kids are finally sleeping; you’re wide awake in the middle of the night.  What are you likely thinking about?

” Too much time on my hands” – Styx

10.  What’s the current condition of the Family Budget?
“Hot Dog” – Limp Bizkit

11.  Spill it – what do you REALLY think of your In Laws?
” From a distance”  –  Miss M

12.  It’s Saturday – kids are at the Grandparents.  What kicks off your “Date Night Soundtrack”?
“Like a Hurricane”  – Scorpions

13.  Summarize your concept of “Good Parenting”…
“Numb” – Lincoln Park

14.  Kids are grown and out of the house…you’re retired.  What do you want to be doing?
“I’m so Sick”  – Flyleaf

15.  Your husband/wife/significant other walks in cheerfully at the end of the day.  You’ve been home with the kid(s) all day and are wiped out.  Your first thought when you see them?
“Sound of Pulling Heaven Down” – Blue October

16.  What will you dance to at your child’s wedding?
” Best Friend” – Kev Woods

17.  Assuming you have extra time…what is your hobby/interest?

” I touch myself”  – The Divinyls

18.  What is your biggest fear?
” Sadness” –  Enigma

19.  Your theory on disciplining children?
” My Wish” –  Rascal Flatts ( can’t even believe a country song came up wow)

20.  You finally get a “Girls (or Guys) Night Out!”  What do you think of your friends?
“Raining Men” – Weather Girls


What will you post this as?
” My MilkShake ” – Kelis

Ok folks your next,  then visit  Ri at www.musicsavvymom.com and add yourself to the MEME rolls so everyone can see your meme… ( you do not have to have a blog, I happen to just have one laying around..)

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.