Sunday recap

It’s Sunday folks and that means 2 things.   1 being that Sunday is my comfy day of the week, it’s always full of cuddles and usually spent in PJ’s.  Unfortunately the daily grind comes back to try and kick out butts again tomorrow.  Pick up your light sabers and let the force be strong as you go out into epic battle this week.  So take a minute and look back on some fun from this week.

I let you in on a glimpse of just how stupid american tourist can smuggle children and weapons across international borders.

I had my first Guest Post from the incredible Holly from WidWesternMamah ( who may or may not actually be my unknown long lost sister or a split personality disorder I didn’t know about) Oddly enough she too had an “incident’ with Canada and customs.

Then Eddie Vedder came by and the freakin Electric Company made him leave and I learned how much silence sucks.

My friends on face book again take the stage without even realizing they will become fodder for my blog.  To summarize apparently my friend Ed has 2 awesome glands.

Funny Stuff Friday was funny but in retrospect it was kind of creepy since I went ahead and lived it.  Thus leading to my first NON post on Saturday where I submit to my own humiliation  I admit I spent the night playing drunken rock band and everything was really loud. I also found out the hashtag #drunkenrockband  is apparently not cool enough to get going.

And in my hangover state I got interviewed about my blogging.  I could have very well written skahdhslknkhugauh  Not sure.  So it may or may not get used. Just saying.

Big time Thanks to Holly from MidWesternMamaH  for her guest post.  Thanks to my husband the Droid, for babysitting me and not video taping or publishing pictures of me being drunk and playing rock band.

and finally for fun..  he’s a Sunday moment for you..  showing why every little boy needs a dog.

little boy and big black lab sleeping on the couch

Yeah that's the Prince cuddling with his Black lab Mei

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.