Breaking and Entering Fairy

You can actually buy one of these at

You can actually buy one of these at

So the other day my entire post was about how my friends had turned my personal status message into something way far off track. My friends do this to every post every day, in fact my entire blog could be about it.   But what is so cool is something you may or may not know depending on who you are, I have all these groups of friends,  HS friends, College friends, old work friends,  family friends, kids parents friends, and the catagories keep going on and on. Then I have this really tight knit group of freaks dear friends that I don’t really know all that well in real life but am quite sure in a  we all served jail time together in a previous life.

One of my greatest pleasures is seeing what they will inevitably do on my wall.  Not only are they flipping hilarious but they are smart, ok wait, I may need to retract that after this post.  See I have a friend who I will refer to as TW.  We met online when a mutual friend of ours had a real life emergency and we both commented on that friends wall about crying. ( I think I actually told her the story of how I cried about a lizard falling off my french doors and I collapsed on the deck balling my eyes out. It wasn’t the lizard, it was the friend, it’s called transference or something, that’s what Sam said.)  Anyway we became friends and started talking on the phone, skype, she visited on her way thru  my lovely state and we even met in the big easy for a Girls night out.  (They are still trying to  straighten the place back up, sorry NOLA.)

So anyway this friend in question is like a cyber cop, you post something she finds out the answer, she is a partner in a successful real estate company  in Texas ( hit me up if you need a good realtor in TX cause she rocks).

So with all that said, you know there’s a but coming right?  Well she’s this cutie patootie olive skinned dark haired doll baby – to the eye…

BUT- to the brain, she is full on BLONDE.  Oh yeah, not even kidding.

Exhibit A-  on her facebook under notes there is one titled.

“Just thought I would keep this one in case I ever need to laugh again”

yes, she actually left herself a public note on facebook just “in case” she ever “needed to laugh” again.  Like EVER?    Now in real life she has this awesome laugh that is so real and so contagious it’s like listening to a rainbow  machine gun that shoots out bubbles.   But just the header on the file made me laugh.   Then I saw this.

Exhibit B-

Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 12:24pm

(her name)  So I’m up at the schoool & I get into my truck, put the key in & it won’t turn! I know it sticks so I giggle the steering wheel and try and try, call John and tell him I am having trouble…and as I am talking to him I notice a few things in the truck I don’t recognize & start asking him when did you get this & that ..he is like I don’t know what your talking about.. then I realize I AM IN THE WRONG TRUCK! LOL

WOW… just wow…  but it could happen right? (did you notice she “giggled” the key?)  told ya so..

EXHIBIT C – The comments seal her fate….

(HER NAME) You know those Black Suburbans all look alike and everyone in Texas drives one. Although I happened to be sitting in a Yukon at the time! lol

double wow, ok not even the same make or model vehicle?  wow.

and EXHIBIT D- this aint this little ladies first Breaking and Entering rodeo.

Nobody saw me! lol Also reminds me of the time when I was little we lived in a apartment building, kind hotel style with floors and a elevator. One day I walked into my apartment sat down looked around and realized I was in the wrong apartment! I left and nobody ever knew I was there either…

I rest my case..

We now know who the breaking and Entering Fairy is…  and we also know she is harmless and hilarious…

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.