Check it out I had to add a new page all the way up there at the top of my orange bar thingy and I did it all by my big girl self.
I have been awarded The Versitile Blogger Award-
from Midwestern Mamah ( visit her on my blogroll or by clicking here. ) Thank you for this honor !
Well knock me down with a plate of cheesecake. I got an award. Woo HOO me ! Not sure why I got it, but the fact is I did, which is a helluva lot better than a poke in the eye with sharp stick or being eaten by Zombies or ninja Zombies or even Jedi. I read a couple blogs that don’t announce when they get an award or whatever. Here’s a clue. I am a Leo, I am a red head, I am a narcissistic attention loving heifer. So yes I will proudly display any awards I get. Spank you very much. Plus I really thought by now real journalist/bloggers would have run me out of the country and off the internet.
Being all new and stuff I had to research what the duties were along with this award. and will probably screw them up anyway.
The rules are as follows:
– Thank the person who gave you the award. ( check )
– Share 7 things about yourself. ( what share? huh? uhm ok)
– Pass along the award to 15 bloggers who you’ve discovered and who you think are fantastic. (wow that’s like work, cause I think tons are fantastic. )
Lets start with the 7 things about me.
1. I am a middle aged ( gawd that hurt to type that) mom to 3, wife to 1. My kids are awesome and surprisingly survive unlike any plant or pet who has fallen under my care.
2- My oldest kid is 21, and she rocks, my youngest kid is 9. I don’t think there isn’t a mom out there I can’t relate to since I have a closet full of been there done that T-shirts. The younger kid has a way more laid back mom, because the older 2 broke my spirit and now if there isn’t blood I am all cool with that. However I firmly believe I didn’t really teach my kids anymore than they taught me.
3- I call my husband the Droid. ( it actually rhymes with his name which was a big hang up when I decided to date him cause I couldn’t see myself calling out his name EVER. He’s 11 years older than me, which kinda makes him creepy if we had dated when he was 18, but we didn’t so it’s less creepy unless you look at his HS yearbook which is really creepy cause he was on the swim team and they wore speedos. EWW.
4- I was born in Bangcok Thailand. My dad was a loadmaster in the USAF. I have Thai god parents which is a far stretch since most Thai people back when I was born were not of the Christian Faith, so it would been have hard to comprehend the god parent role.
5- Apparently my parents were too busy drinking cocktails and jet setting about to remember to register me with the American Consulate when they brought me to the States and therefore I do not posses a birth certificate. Instead after trying to get a passport in 2006, and months of phone calls and letter writing, I received a letter that said, ” Certification of an American born abroad” Which is useless and singed by Condoleeza Rice who was 14 when I was born. Maybe that’s why this document is USELESS.
6- I used to be a clean freak, germaphobe, anal retentive do everything mom, now I am just a germaphobe.
7- My brain is too big to contain. No seriously, I have this cool thing called Chiari which mean my brain is hanging out. Chairi is not cool, but telling people you have a huge sexy brain and it’s medically documented is. Probably only 30 people in the world knew I had this up until this moment. Mainly because it freaks them all out and they act all funny. Not like funny ha ha, but funny like. OMG she’s gonna DIE and they run away like it’s contagious. It’s not, and even though mine is what is considered severe. I am not having brain surgery ( thank you military insurance for all your help, NOT)
The next step is to pass this along to 15 Bloggers I think are Great. ( *Disclaimer* This is really hard because I love so many and am just entering the blog world. It’s kinda like the first day at a new school when you go to the cafeteria and have to pick a table. Yeah that same feeling, so if your not on here, come sit at my table cause I surely love you bunches anyway.)
Hope4Peyton it was the first blog I ever read, and didn’t even know what a blog was when it was started.
Free Anissa – inspiration, snark and perspective. Get you some here.
Music Savy Mom– cause we all need some good tunes and Ri can rock em.
The Bloggess – Because seriously Jen is probably the Jekcle to my Hyde, and even though she probably wont use this award she was the first person to answer me when I asked If I could put her on the blogroll on my new site. Jen rocks even when Japan is trying to kill her.
Suburban Scrawl – I bonded with her because she was helpful supportive, funny, and spelled her name Melisa with one S. and since I am Sandi with an I, it works.
Daddy Scratches – He’s too funny not to read.
Accidental Musings– Check out the daily rants.
The Sphors are mutliplying – if you don’t know about this site, your probably living under a rock.
Dad Unmasked – 1 superhero dad who doesn’t even realize he is, and his 2 little girls. funny and touching.
Hyperbole and Half – anyone whose illustrations in every post makes you spit mt dew on your keyboard is good news in my book.
House of Jules– I can relate to just about everything she posts, in fact she could be spying on me right now, as in while I am typing this. Creepy huh?
Overflowing Brain– not only because she’s a cool kid like me and has Chiari ( see line 7 ) but Katie keeps pushing, even when it would be easier not to.
Amazing Greis – not only does she make me smile, but sometimes she makes me think. Plus she totally did NOT stab the guy at work in the throat with a #2 pencil, even though I would have given her an alibi, so she got an award.
World of Weasels – clearly the world needs more weasels. Get you some here.
AMomtwoBoys – because seriously who doesn’t love a title that say ” now with more penis” ? ok probably the guys, but yeah it’s funny.
So that’s it, and now off to tell my people to let their people know they won an award which probably will not matter to them because they are real bloggers and not a Leo or narcissistic like me..
inspiring, huh? you can’t see me now, but i’m totally sticking out my tongue at you.
dood, your tongue is HAWT
First I’d like to thank God. And my parents, because I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. And my husband, and two sons. And my dog, who knows that it’s okay to sleep in my bed on the rare occasions when hubby is traveling or camping, but that it’s absolutely NOT okay to sleep in my bed when he’s home. And I’d like to thank McDonalds, which was the first place I worked. I’d like to thank the v-neck t-shirt, because when I wear one I get lots of compliments. Also? The color red. Love it. I’d go on, but I hear there’s an afterparty!
Haha, thanks!!!!
I am totally running out to purchase some red v neck’s cause I could use the compliments and I am a LEO.
You and your enormous, sexy brain just made my whole night.
Glad I could help, good luck with the nekkie graveyard thing in the morning… ( as a hint- I try to do that stuff a little after midnight, because drunken teens tend not to call the cops as often.)
Y’know, back in seventh grade, when I had hair down to my tush that I ALWAYS wore half up/half down (think Jan Brady as an Italian brunette) and was second chair flute in our very sad and generally out of tune “orchestra”, I doubt ANYONE would have thought that I could EVER “rock” ANYTHING.
But, now that I’ve received this incredibly prestigious award, I think perhaps I’ll take it up again…shall I go the Jazz Flute route ala Ron Burgundy, or the rock flute ala Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull fame? Leather bound books and the smell of rich mahogany or a codpiece, tights and bulging, crazed eyes…?
Oh, wait. I don’t actually rock. I just play music that does. *sigh* Dreams crushed AGAIN, dammit!
uhm… clearly if you read it, YOU rock, and the music you play also rocks… I said so, no argument, the end. You rock.
Okay, okay…I rock. So I guess I’ll go with the Jazz Flute, mainly because I ALREADY drink three fingers of Glenlivet with a little bit of pepper and some cheese, as a rule.
(love you long time, btw. ;))
Thanks Chica! I’m grateful that you and your massive brain matter thought to add me into your list.
You was made in Taiwan? Holy Poop, Batman! So was PJ!
She doesn’t have her brain are falling out, but she does have 4 (yes, count them, 1. 2. 3. 4!) kidneys!
You two should have LOTS to talk about. I’ll just sit there and play with poop like I ususally do. I’ll be okay. Really.
But I totally DIG your award. Can I touch it? Just on the corner?
Crap. There’s no do-over button. I made a spelling mistake AND I’M HAVING A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN! WHY CAN’T I DELETE AND DO-OVER!?!? I need a drink.
OMG! How exciting! Thank you for the award… but I am NOT a spy! (Though if I was a spy would I really be disclosing that type of information? No, what a spy would do is deny being a spy. According to the Official Spy Manual, anyway.)
What a weekend. All the graduation goings-on of the older nephew, and this award. I am woozy!
1st rule of spy club- don’t admit your in spy club… I totally have you figured out Jules.
I’m so honored you love my penis so much.
You know what I mean.
wow.. just wow… I will sit here stunned until the authorities come to pick me up… I do know what you mean I hope they do too..
You are the most versatile blogger I personally know….but I dont know that many..yet…
You clearly want me to cook dinner AGAIN… geesh..
Yay! Cool award. I jumped on a different blog wagon years ago.. you know the one, where you start one … and that’s as far as it goes. It’s pretty to look at, but nothing of real substance there. I go back to it to look at baby pictures of the girls.
I’ve had domains and personal sites ( not the pervy kind thank you) since around 98, I go back to look at all the old pics of the kids, and family members that are not with us anymore. I guess it was kind of a blog, although it was before wordpress or blogspot were born, I had to update in html as the time went by, my life can pretty much be documented thru each domain as a period in my life.. odd..
Yaye for awards and friends that have your back and ALIBI’s ready, you know, just in case you need one!!!
You ROCK!!