Its all Kevin Bacons fault.

Kevin bacon and John Bon Jovi

Busted. So totally busted.  OK so living in a tiny town that had 1 catwalk ( the thing for pedestrians to cross the street over traffic) ( not the cool high fashion catwalk).  And this catwalk being within 1 block of my high school where everyone knew me might not have been the best place to skip for the first time.  Maybe if I were just sitting  there quietly and not drawing attention to myself I would have been ok.  But no I had to be all footloose.  Yes that’s right. I skipped school the very first time after watching the movie “Footloose with Kevin Bacon”.

If you haven’t seen it, chances are you are accidentally at my blog because your an infant or lived in a cave in the 80’s clearly much younger than me.  ( but you can find out more here).

It’s not that the movie was that so amazingly awesome, and I am not a big Kevin Bacon fan. ( However I friggin LOVE real  bacon, or as my kid calls it, “pig meat”.) Nothing against you Kevin, I am sure your reading this and  I do NOT want to hurt your feelings. I just never really connected to much of the stuff you did, including your music. I am sure your fantastic and all that it’s just my personal thing ok, I was busy being all hot over John Bon Jovi.)  ( shout out Johnny babe, remember me from that concert, sure you do!)

But Kev, ( I can call you Kev right?)  your movie did inspire me. To skip school, put your soundtrack in my walkman ( google ancient technology), and then attempt to do your movie  moves across my towns catwalk. ( which could have only hurt my street cred, because people called my mom and the school thinking I was suffering from a medical condition)

Is this my fault? No, it’s yours.  You did this, this was the marked beginning of  my downfall as a teenager. Well that and the entire living so close to Dayton Beach that I thought spring break was the entire year round and would eventually end  up on MTV spring break and who the heck knew my mom would be watching that crap? ( shout out to Mom in case she figured out browsers from email and finds this..)

On the upside, it was pretty much the point I also realized you only go around 1 time ?  Smell the roses? Enjoy your life?  So I have to thank you for that, which is probably the soul reason I secretly bought  your CD , “Forosoco” ( still available at amazon) . See that Kev I pimped your CD because you taught me to skip school and dance like a moron in the middle of my town, you were part of my coming of age.  Much like “Breakfast Club”. “Ferris Buellers Day off”,  “Sixteen Candles”,  “Weird Science”, “Pretty in Pink” and “Risky Business” . Except in each of those movies there was a guy I was willing to make out with. (*Note* if you have not watched every single one of these movies at least 2 times each, you fail and better head on over to netflix and get you some life). ( Also note, I am not saying I would not make out with you under any circumstances. As a married woman I have found there are many things I can overlook and honestly  I am not seeing that many flaws with you compared to some others. )

I wish I could make my daughter in college sit down and watch all the above movies, including yours, except I don’t want her to skip school, lend her panties to a nerd,  turn a barbie and porno into a human,  steal a car, hire a hooker, and make out with a dude while she wears a flammable bridesmaid dress as she leans over candles.  I ended up doing all of those, well except for the barbie thing,  that was a bogus script it totally did not work with the GI Joe I stole from my brothers.  But  each of these movies taught me something, they  marked a certain stage in my life, and I am sure in some way the have helped me enjoy the ride.

So Kev, honey, I blame you for the beginning of  my awesomeness, before that I was just another chick in a school showing up and learning.

Why did I think dancing like this was acceptable in public?

Let’s be clear that I blame nothing on Brendan Fraser because he is my main man, and entered my life way after I was all formative and junk.  But he lurves me,  is the main focus of a lot of my adult dreams, has done some great work.

PS- any stars I failed to give a shout out to that I totally owe a shout out to, I will get to you in time, whether you like it or not.  ( That’s a heads up to you Van Halen, Ralph Macchio, Ratt, Judd Nelson, Curtis Armstrong, Steve Perry, Rod Stewart, Sting, Alan Ruck  and many many more… )

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.