Last week while out having sushi with a friend, I broke food etiquette, wow shocking I know. But a chopstick, wasabi, and carrot strips provided inspiration and if I was famous my Wasbai man would be “art” . So here is my hot art, get it wasabi, hot, oh never mind.
My daughter called yesturday from work and said she ran into the dinosourusbitch, which is better than a hippotwatamus, I asked her if the creature was a carnny-vore or a herbawhore? yeah we are totally inappropriate, but leave us alone it’s quality time people.
So this week for Friday Funnies I am so torn becuase I saw this awesome thing on 9 reasons why NOT to date a dinosour, a related post was 10 reasons to date a unicorn, and then there was the zombie singles dating service. OK make me fall down fuuny, if you don’t believe me here’s their link.
But this week also brought me the funniest friggin ebay post of all times, obviously this chick is a total genius which is a bit scary, cause we wall know what a fine line it is between genius and well you know. here’s a link to the actual ebay post and the entire back blog story. Best part, it’s all true. Since I am your friend you will need these first.
Before taking off your depends, It’s Bloggers without Make up day. ( this was totally not in my contract, probably because I don’t have a freakin contract). But since it is funny stuff friday and who am I to hault some deep women movement bloggy thing. here. I am even wearing my glasses. shut up.
Now I am going to try a first and put a video in this post. If it doesn’t work I have excuses at the ready. It’s to true about Facebook.
I had to ad this one in because well, it came from my Daddy, this is what most honest for sale signs would say.
and finally from the peachy tree here’s one I had to share, it’s one of my many nephews. he clearly gets his drinking dna from me, have I ever mentioned how glad I am there were not iphones, twitter and facebook when I was “finding myself” and everyone else in Dayton Beach all those years ago. Straight from the drunken family tree… My nephew.
Before anyone freaks, he is over 21, he was in college, he did not drive, and this photo was not taken by me, cause ewww… my 1 big question, WTH did he find 80’s shorts? He posted this on FB which in my book makes him fairgame. He also posted this is the last time he drinks, which to mean is some sort of therapy, so I am just helping him, really… stop laughing, I am serious.
Have a fantastic Friday and wickedly wonderful Weekend.
It was all funny up until your nephew…..He did look like he was having fun?
I just realized the picture of me without makeup is directly below the depends picture. There is no correlation there people, nothing to see here just move along…
You look really cute in that pic !!! Be happy not all of us women can pull that kind of stuff off !! And as for you nephew OMG ROFL i so needed that
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I was suggested this blog by my cousin. urock