and there I was TRAPPED !

3 screaming kids and me in a waiting room.

if you have been reading along,  Monday was full of medical appointments for the Droid and the Prince.  This made me happy because it wasn’t me.  However it did place me as a prisoner trapped in 8×8 cement block waiting room with not 1, not 2, but 3 lovely vocal babies.  I have come to the conclusion that prisoners who are bad, as in shank the guard bad, should be placed in a small room with these 3 choir like baby gagas in a small room next to them for a few hours.   But I didn’t shank any body,  ( that day), and I wasn’t in the next room I was in the same room.
But  it was really clear this room was built for some specific purpose other than just “waiting” because the acoustics of the room were suited perfectly for an opera recital but not so much for a waiting room for children.  Here is what I was looking at, or more accurately listening to.

Upon entering the room, I saw the sleep deprieved dad, with extrememly verbal 13 month old Sam.  Sam had just learned to make motor boat noiese but had not learned volume control. Sam also loved to make noises any kind, squealing included. Sam was a happy guy, sam was a cool guy, Sam’s dad clearly had not slept in a long time.

I sat to the left of Sam and his dad, which placed me to the right of Stressed out Mom, this Mom was at her breaking point, 2 kids, under 3, 1 screamer and 1 whiner.  She had the ” I know why wild animals eat their young look”

When I entered the room, they both looked at me apologetic and Sams dad even said, “sorry, hope you brought ear plugs.”  In a flash it all came back, the wanting to burst into to tears, the wishing I could use a star trek transporter, the wishing shock collars were available for toddlers. I remembered the looks on their faces, and I understood.

I countered Sams dad with.  “Oh no, I don’t even have to be here, but I heard this is where the cool people come to hang out, plus I haven’t been around babies in a long time.  I am happy to see them”

“Both parents breathed a quite sigh of relief, and then a yeah right you nut bag look”.

I tried not to be a nut bag baby fiend, by pretending to read a magazine but it was clear that the babies wanted to play peek a boo, then they wanted me to read to them, and play patty cake. I encouraged the parents to let them out of the strollers and cleared the waiting room table and set up a safety barrier.  The sleep deprieved dad fell asleep and the stressed mom, actually watched TV and read and article.  Would I want to do this daily, NO.  Was it a big deal to be nice, considerate and remember how stressful and hurtful it was to be in a room with my kids when they were little with some grouchy person who acted like our presence was razor blades on their spines, NO..  I I enjoyed it, hearing babies laugh is like angels blowing bubbles, it’s so pure. Giving parents a relaxing moment, well it’s the least I can do. I admit after 2.5 hours I was ready to leave, but I reminded myself that I could leave, the parents although blessed with beautiful children were stuck in their loud sleep deprived, stressed out lives.   So next time your in a restaurant, waiting room, or heaven forbid airplane, with a  baby, remember, that baby will be paying your social security and the parent will probably hasn’t slept a decent night since it’s birth, take a second to let them know, it’s OK.

I slipped on my big girl panties and gussied up for some baby time

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.