we put the fun in dysfunctional

Traditional family from the 50's

So it’s Saturday morning and I am wearing my pearls and beautiful dress with my hair done while I finish vacuuming in my high heels. My husband is handcrafting a kayak he’s carving out of a falling tree in our yard so we can all kayak into the gulf of mexico and save animals.

Traditional family from the 50's

This is exactly how we look ALL the time.

My college daughter is home this weekend and she is dusting the mantle while reciting Shakespeare and practicing multi cultural greetings.  While our 9 year old “the prince” oils the chain on his bike prior to delivering newspapers and muffins to the neighbors.

Yeah not so much, ok   not ever.  Ha.. FAT CHANCE. Not even close.

We are eating my heart shaped pancakes that could be butterflies or check marks in our pajamas like sloppy pigs dripping syrup everywhere and laughing.  The 9 year old prince is playing a flash video game on the TV.  Like good adult role models we are all cheering him on…

kill the surfer… eat the people on the cruise ship…  dude there’s a helicopter can you take that down? get it get it..

apparently in this game he’s a shark on a rampage in a highly populated area where EVERYTHING is done in or over the water.

Video Game of Shark eating things

He got the online high score... We are proud.

So he ate everything.

Including the UFO, and the Russian Nuke.  Then my family burst into humming the Russian National Anthem.  Why do we know that.  From watching American Dad.  Yet another dysfunctional family event we participate in here in Peachy land.  But it totally counts for family time right?  I mean we were together and we were all cheering him on, so that makes us supportive right?  Yeah I am sure that counts.  Good now I can go back to bed.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.