Dude I got your back…..

Baby and dog going thru pet door together

Sticking together...

I am a bad friend.  I like people as a general rule. I try to get along with anyone who doesn’t need JERKWAD stamped on their forehead.  But in reality,  I don’t always play well with others.  It’s rare that I find someone that I would climb to the ends of the earth for.  Ok, honestly it’s rare that I find someone I would bother getting dressed to meet for lunch.  I moved a lot. In each place I was usually lucky and had 1 person that sorta clicked, and there were times in my life that people came in and like in Jerry Mcguire they completed me.   But, I don’t send cards, I don’t remember birthdays, and unless I have something to say I don’t call.  I don’t go to purchasing parties, and homemakers clubs, and ladies game thingies… I just don’t… Facebook, twitter and the interwebz has made my being such a crappy friend a little better. I mean I get reminded to tell people hi, and when they have a birthday but in general I really don’t care if their cat threw up or their boss  got hurt at work. ( unless it was videoed and shared so I can watch and he like fell off his desk while reaching for something that was on a top shelf and one leg went up and one down and his head landed in a garbage can.. or something like that).   The cool thing about the friends, true friends, real friends, that I connect with.  They take me as I am. Flaws, BIG HUGE, obvious flaws, they know I drop in and out of contact, they KNOW I will forget things, and they know the post office would totally be suspicious if I ever put the flag up on my mail box and probably call the cops.  When we get back in touch whether it’s real life or via technology, no time has lapsed in our relationship even though weeks, months or even years may have gone by in the real world.  We know that if the crap hits the fan, we will be there.   If a body needs hiding – done. If an alibi is needed we were probably studying at the library.  If a throat needs punching…  wonder twin powers activate…

So yeah.. They got mine, and I got theirs…

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ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.