I have 4 big brothers, but for all intensive purposes am an only child due to multiple marriages and big age gaps. So I don’t have a big family and I am not really close to much of my extended family, although I like them all. I just prefer my friends. I think it’s because you get to pick friends, family your dealt, like a bad hand of cards. But then you are subjected to, get the pleasure to meet someone who brightens your day. Even when it’s all rainy and dreary. They must have a family so prolific that rabbits are jealous, because there is no task, job, or event can be brought up in conversation that they don’t have a cousin who does that, did that or is the king of that. How cool to have such a large and varied family. Best ever chunky chicken salad with yogurt and grapes for church, cousin. Trash man, cousin. Stave off her stalker from the religious singles on line dating service Sheriff, cousin. Pirate treasure scuba diving, cousin. How handy… would you even have to work if you had a family like that? Thank you miss lady with a huge multi talented family for coming in and giving me comic fodder for hours…. you may go now…
I have a cousin who does that…
Dreary Days and Bright Charecters