once upon a time in a land far far away, the stars aligned and I was born. Woo hoo and thanks mom and daddy. and eww… ok in other news I got this spam thing telling me my horoscope and thought wow, I should break this down.
It’s the end of the week and the end of the month. ( No ! really? Thanks for the alert? ) The Moon in mutable sign Sagittarius gives us the flexibility and energy we need to finish those administrative tasks. ( Dude I totally thought it was that snickers and redbull… REDBULL REDBULL. I LIKE REDBULL DO YOU LIKE REDBULL? )Of course, discipline is not a well-developed quality in Sagittarius. ( Clearly one look at my hips or house will show I have no discipline I don’t need you reminding me thank you very much jerkola) Plus, the Moon flirts with easy-going Venus. If you become distracted and get off-track, laugh at yourself and get back to work. ( what the heck do you mean I get distra… OH MY GAWD look at those shoes. holy cow, those are so cute, but they do not even look good with that skirt, what was she thinking, but I love that purse. and I had a purse one time that was so cute but I left a candy bar in it and it melted and I was dating this guy that played for the dolphins and… what was I saying? )This is where the Archer’s sense of humor comes in handy. ( Archers? WTH? I don’t know nothing bout shooting no aarrows miss scarlett…) |