The Prince is just too cool

Do you ever get so focused so busy on something that you just want to say “WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT”  I mean you have screamed my name like a government form in triplicate and in different ways,  in less than 2 minutes after the last time I stopped what I was doing to answer your last question.


The Prince is just too cool

He's not spoiled, just well attended too.

the prince: ” MOM.  MOM, MOOOOM..  ”

moi : “yes, honey what is?”

the prince, : “is a turtle green and a tortoise brown?

Moi:  “uhm one second honey” typing ” google says yes and here are the pictures see the difference..

3 minutes and 13 seconds later.

the prince : “mom”  mom” MOM, MOOM”.

moi :”yes honey?”

the prince: ” I forgot to tell you but last week I got a bite and it was right there. You can’t see it but it itched before it healed.’

moi:  ” oh that little dot that is already healed?’

the prince: “yeah”

moi: “erm ok”

2 minutes and 15 seconds later

the prince: ” mom, mom, mom, MOM, MOM, MOOM”

moi;  ” yes what is it?”

the prince:  ” uhm oh I forgot”

1 minute 5 seconds later


moi:  “WHAT?”

the prince:  ” I just wanted to tell you I love you”

{ the part where I feel about 2 inches tall and on the nominations list for worst mom awards}

moi: ” oh sweety I love you too”

{the part where I lay down the phone, shut off the computer and let him crawl in my lap while he still fits, and absorb ever second of him wanting to be around me, love me, and acknowledge my existence without a sense of teenage angst and humiliation.

Thanks little prince for keeping me in check… Love moi.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.