Don’t confuse me, it’s just too easy.

Kashi cereal, GOLEANCRISP review

I am not a health foodie, I am not an  exercise type person. I only run if there is a fire or a sale.  All of this is perfectly clear when you see my hot toned svelte body sexy curvy bouncy self.   On a positive note. I LURVE  food. Unfortunately I love food for the taste not for the “what good things it can do for you” aspect. In turn for my 4 decades of eating what I want and not eating what doesn’t make my mouth say, Thank you, when I do my lab work the people often ask if I need a pillow. Yeah so my blood just isn’t that healthy.  I have an issue forcing myself to eat something if I don’t actually like it.  My tall and still skinny dirty rat dear husband gorges him self on everything from greens to chocolate daily explaining his views that it doesn’t have to taste good, it’s fuel, and as long as it doesn’t taste “bad” then you can eat it .  I appreciate his view, and it certainly comes in handy with my cooking, but I just haven’t been able to get on board.

So when Kashi sent me a sample of their Go Lean Crips !  I was a bit worried on how I was going to a) choke it down, and b) to write a polite but not positive review.

So here we go.  Write it down and mark this date on your calendars for EVER, I was wrong and wrong. Yeah you heard me. Wrong.

I poured it in the bowl and added the milk, and prepared myself by reading the box.  Toasted Berry Crumble. Ok that sounds like a desert I could maybe like that.  Wait 9g of protien, 8g of fiber, 7 whole grains?  OH NO… health food.

It smelled good, fruity and I love fruity stuff.  So I took a bite….  HOLY COWS WITH CALVES IN THE RAIN.  It was flipping awesome.  I mean totally YUM.

My brain was confused, the box I was looking at looked all healthy and my tasted buds were screaming, ” bring it on… MORE MORE MORE..”

Honestly I can say this is not a product I would probably ever just grab off the shelf, so if Kashi wouldn’t have sent me this sample there is  a 99% chance I would have never even tried it.  Thank you Kashi, you made my fuel, health and taste yummy. That’s a combo much needed in my life.

Kashi cereal, GOLEANCRISP review

YUM which contains healthy stuff... Remarkable !

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.