Hi guys I know this is usually the day of the week I toss out non advice but not today.
Today as you are making plans for Thanksgiving I need to borrow a second of your time.
Whether you are cringing at or bouncing from the thought of seeing all of the Holiday people I hope we might all take a second to put ourselves in these shoes.
There’s a cool little guy named Trevor and here’s the story.
If you read nothing else I write or nothing else anywhere today please take the time to read this. Due to extremely grave circumstance with a friend of mine last year 2 states away I met a lovely lady named Heather via facebook but never in real life. She worked with the husband of my friend, and reached out to him, his work, and my friends 3 children she had never met. She is not a blogger but I can vouch for the year I have known her on FB that she is certainly an exceptional, human being. She went above and beyond time and time again to go out of her way to help the family even though she had never met my friend or the kids.
Now in a horrible twist of fate I bring you Trevors story via his loving cousin Heather.
“My 12 year old cousin, Trevor B, is going to be having heart surgery on Nov 30that UAB. He began having issues last year while playing baseball and it was discovered that he has hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy . It is a very scary procedure and there is a chance that he will not make it. If he does make it through the surgery he will be dealing with this for the rest of his life.
“Trevor will be in the hospital for quite some time (ICU for at least 7 days and another 7 days in a regular room at minimum). I am getting up a care package for my cousin (Todd B) and Trevor’s mom (Terra). I wanted to reach out to you guys first to ask that you pray for Trevor and his family in the coming weeks”
Ok people this means a 13 ( birthday) year old boy whose adventure in this world is just beginning is not only stuck in ICU isolated, far from home, loved ones and team mates but he is facing a life that will pretty much remove his love of participating in sports.
We know this world can suck, and bad things happen to good people and children become ill every day. It’s not right it’s not fair, but there is nothing we can do about it usually.
This time you can. I am asking, actually begging for you to send Trevor a card, if you have little kids let them make Trevor a card. If you can get your local High School Football, baseball or basket ball team to send a group card or picture with their autographs( which makes high schoolers feel super cool) EVEN better. If you have age appropriate books you are looking to get rid of, or happen to know someone who is an athlete that would ROCK.
I fully understand that right now the economy is in the trash and a lot of people are living paycheck to paycheck. I would NEVER ask anyone to do without to donate to someone they haven’t met. But I do ask that if you can, even $1 would make a difference. His parents costs to be near him 24/7 are approaching $1500 a week, and the type of parents Trevor has are a blessing because they are THOSE type of parents that wouldn’t leave little guy alone even if it met sleeping in the bushes to do it.
I have 380+ Twitter Followers, 1290 Face Book Friends, and between the 2 blogs I am guessing around 500 visitors a week. If each one of you sends just $1 and just 1/2 of you send a card. Imagine the support and love Trevor and his family would receive. I have watched the internet and social media do so much good for so many people.
If you can’t swing a card, a minimal donation or a small token, I understand, if this is your case I ask you to get with your higher power whatever it is, and send good thoughts to Trevor. If you can think of him during your Thanksgiving supper and send out a silent thought that’s fine, it will make a difference.
I have never met Trevor. Clearly that is my loss, the more I learn the more I find out what an awesome little guy he is.
Mail everything to his Cousin, Heather, she will be handling the mail and taking bundles over. I say bundles because I am optimistic that social media will indeed come through. I am not a power blogger or a famous person. I am just a chick thankful she was able to enjoy her youth and make huge mistakes and live on the edge, who turned into a Mom even more thankful, it’s not my 3 kids in there, with my world on it’s head scrambling as my heart breaks to let my child know he is loved and does matter and so many people care.
If you can donate anything even $1.00 like I said before it will be so appreciated by those that know and love him and of course by me more than you will ever know.
Last year my little Prince was 8, he told me to use the money I saved up for his Christmas to go help my friend. He said he had his mom and dad for Christmas my friends kids didn’t. This year he wants to pay it forward to Trevor. Yes my 9 year old informed me today even though he only asked for 2 things for Christmas to either give them the money I would have spent on one of those or to send the gift to Trevor. I spend every day in awe of my Prince who 10 Dr’s said would probably never survive, who was supposed to stay in NICU for months on end, who shows more compassion, understanding and humanity than most adults I have ever met.
You can click on the paypal secure link below to do a donation to help with costs associated with Trevors hospitalization.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for reading along and hope you are moved to reach out with whatever you are comfortable doing.
All bloggers doing a post, or placing one of Trevors cool badges on their site ( you can see them on my right ad space) please go ahead and log in on Mr Linky !
the end
my future hubs is the best kid in the world.
love to trevor and fam. fingers crossed, kiddo. we’re loving and think and praying for you, babe.
Sorry I didn’t respond to your email Peachy. But I’ve been doing my Winnie the Pooh impression “Think, think, think.” As you know, my mom’s a teacher (& many of her friends) I think making cards for Trevor would be a great project for their classes.
@Meredith- yep he’s awesome, and he’s been quite worried about you so get better, I am sure your thoughts for Trevor will be much appreciated !
@Rachel – that would be awesome if he just started getting envelopes of cards for kids ! Moral Support !
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by meredith blumoff, ThePeachy1. ThePeachy1 said: if you read nothing else please read Tuesday 4 Trevor, social media doing good for a kid http://bit.ly/gBrysD […]
YOU ARE SUCH AN AWESOME LADY……thanks for posting this for my sweet newphew TREVOR BROWN…..the family surely appreciates it all…..Heather Hendrix is my sister, and she too is AWESOME~~~~~
GOD BLESS YOU and thanks again
It is an honor to use my little corner of the internet to possibly bring good thoughts, a smile, a card or anything to Trevor and his family.
Yay! a button for donations!!
You rock Peachy
and an address to send cards, autographed pictures or gifts too LOL. See how cool I am to get all the info together LOL
You have my email address… just email me what you want me to blog about and/or anything else that needs done. I put your other blog link ( with this story ) on my FB page and tweeting it.. is there a badge or something we can place on our blogs with a link back to here or page?
Hit me up and I will do what I can !
we need a badge also a mr linky or blog circle thingy so everyone who does a post/page can link up… Bloggers are awesome, and my friends are the best, I say it everyday and this just proves it. Whoever knows how to do these things or wants to please let me know,
Thank you for everything you’re doing for my son, Trevor and our family!! Hugs & Kisses
Terra Brown
I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who is working to get stuff together for Trevor and sending their well wishes his way. My family and I appreciate it more than you know!!!!
@ Terra- even though we have never met, I want you to know there is a virtual hug surround you and holding you up coming from every corner of the internet right now, Mom’s, Dad’s, teachers, college kids, athletes, and friends are thinking of your guy. No one wants to be in your position. I am Thankful that I have had the privilege to be internet friends with Heather and that I can do any thing that might possible bring a smile, or a moment of time when your stress might be a tad lighter. Hang in there and know so many people you will never know are thinking about Trevor and those that love him.
I just made Trevor a card, and hopefully some of my readers will do the same!
awesome Leslie ! that card is beautiful !! I know the family and Trevor appreciate each and every post/card/donation/prayer.
All my prayers with you Trevor !!
From Stephen Sylvester- God watch over you and all his angels so that you are able to have a healthy life.
The Blue Lantern.
Not only is it in the color, but in his name as well. 
From Matt Briggs-
From- SintaMental- Kristie Gartner- Super duper special derby lovin package soon on it’s way to super duper wonderful little guy!
As Peachy said… The Blue Lantern is for you Trevor in hopes that not only will he make you smile, but at the same time, seeing that your wish of something blue 4U by someone you don’t even know might help to take away your worries as well. God Bless you and be strong my brother. Trust in Him and things will be just fine. We are all praying for a speedy recovery for you and yours. :))
Matt Briggs
OK, now that I have the time, I have FINALLY posted this on my facebook and linked to my blog. I think. I hope it linked… I’m not sure.
awesome sauce.. how many miles do you think you drove in the last 5 days?
Trevor, my thoughts and prayers are with you, be strong and always remember “God is wonderful” and he can do “Great things” your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy in Barnwell SC
My name is Misty Hudson Martin and I have known Trevors dad Todd all my life. We went from daycare to high school-graduated from high school together. Todd and Tara, just wanted you guys to know that you “All” are in our prayers. I didn’t have a clue about this. Haven’t heard anything until I got the text today. Todd, we love you guys and I know that the sweet Lord above is gonna help him through this and he is gonna be just fine. Just “Believe”. We love you guys and are sending prayers your way. If we can do anything here please let us know.
Littlejohn, and Misty!
Wow that’s awesome Misty I will make sure Trevors parents get your message !
Trevor, we are thinking of you and praying for you and I know that you are going to come out FINE…God has His hands on you so nothing but good can come out of this surgery…We love you and are waiting to hear that you are out of surgery and on your way to recovery…
Love, Kim, Wesley, Morgan, Dylan and Gabe